New Group for Reluctant Homeschool Moms

Are you a reluctant homeschool mom?
Do you feel pushed into keeping your kids home this year because there isn’t another good option?
Are you struggling with what you have to give up to educate your kids?
Have you laid awake worried about your kids getting behind because you won’t be a good enough teacher?
Homeschooling wasn’t the plan but neither was a pandemic. For many families, sending kids back to public school isn’t an option right now and distance learning isn’t a good fit either. That means that moms, just like you, are choosing to homeschool because it’s the only thing that makes any sense. That doesn’t mean you’re excited about it.
Lots of moms love homeschooling their kids. Some of them dream about it while they rock their babies. They glow while they talk about curriculums, co-ops, extracurricular activities and poetry tea time. You might see their posts in Facebook groups and start to wonder what’s wrong with you or just feel like you don’t fit in.
This wasn’t your plan. This wasn’t what you dreamed about or what this fall was supposed to look like. The whole world feels like it’s collapsing right now and on top of dealing with a pandemic you have to figure out how to homeschool. Of course you’re stressed out! Why wouldn’t you be?
You can do this. It won’t be easy and you might not like it. You might absolutely hate every moment of homeschooling. Of course, even though you started as a reluctant homeschool mom, when you get your feet under you, you might decide that homeschooling is the best thing ever. Probably, you’ll land somewhere in the middle.
Our job isn’t to make you love homeschooling or to give advice about the best curriculum, schedules, programs, etc. There are plenty of spaces for that. We’re here to support you and give you a space to process through all the hard emotions that homeschooling brings up but you can’t say outloud (or even type) with judgement from all sides.
When you join the reluctant homeschool moms group, you’ll meet with other moms from around Texas who are in your same position. This weekly support group is even led by a therapist who was at one time a reluctant homeschool mom herself.
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Reluctant Homeschool Moms FAQs
When / where do we meet?
We meet on Zoom every Monday afternoon except for holidays.
How much does it cost?
Group membership is $100 / month
Does insurance cover the group?
At 1000 Hills Counseling & Consulting we have chosen not to accept insurance because we believe it allows us to better serve our clients. However, we work hard to keep our groups affordable and the cost per group is roughly the cost of the average co-pay.
How is this group different than a Facebook group?
Facebook groups are wonderful resources for moms and new homeschoolers. You can find someone to help decide curriculum or brainstorm accommodations for a kid who is struggling. This group is different because it is a therapy support group. We’ll spend our time processing the emotions that come up and working through the mental challenges of schooling kids at home in the midst of a pandemic.
Who can join?
This group is for moms in Texas who are homeschooling this year even though that wasn’t their desire. You can be using any homeschool curriculum or approach. You can be working full time while you school, staying at home, or anywhere in between. We welcome every type of mother.
If you are a longtime homeschooler who is struggling, or a distance schooler who is feeling stressed, please reach out to us. We will be happy to start additional groups if there is need. We also regularly host groups for moms of kids with special needs and women who have survived abuse. Additionally, we provide online individual and couples counseling. Please fill out the contact form and let us know how we can serve you.
Who will be leading the group?
Le Shepard, LPC is the founder of 1000 Hills Counseling & Consulting and she’s also been homeschooling for three and a half years now. She was pretty unhappy about it at first and understands where you’re coming from. You can learn more about Le here.
How do I join?
Your first step is scheduling a free, no obligation consultation. You’ll meet with Le via video chat for about 20 minutes and make sure that the group is a great for you. She’ll get you set up with paperwork, share all the details of the group and answer any questions. You can also email her any time with questions at or call 940-202-9597.